If you are a Ranger, or a member of a Ranger’s family, and are in need of short-term financial assistance, please contact the USARA Ranger Assistance Program by email at assistance@ranger.org
If you are a Ranger, or a member of a Ranger’s family, and are in need of short-term financial assistance, please contact the USARA Ranger Assistance Program by email at assistance@ranger.org
USARA established the Ranger Assistance Program (RAP) in 2010, for the express purpose of providing short-term and immediate financial relief to active duty and veteran Rangers and Ranger family members. It was borne of two observations: First, it is a primary obligation of the Association to provide support for all members of the Ranger community. Second, other avenues of obtaining financial relief at the time were cumbersome and difficult to access, which often resulted in delays that caused Rangers and their families substantial harm.
In order to address these issues, the RAP strives to employ maximum efficiency when assessing requests for assistance. Fundamental to its purpose is the mandate to quickly establish contact with the Ranger in need, validate the financial need, determine the maximum effective manner by which the Association may provide assistance, and issue payment to relieve the stress of the circumstances.
USARA’s Ranger Assistance Officer is charged with ensuring that the funds donated to support this important mission are put to their maximum effective use. Accordingly, although the RAP is able to assist Rangers and their families with many short-term needs, it cannot provide long-term funding, insolvency protection, or assistance when other forms of financial relief (such as insurance or liquidation of nonessential assets) are available.
The following are examples of circumstances when the RAP has been able to provide assistance:
The following are examples of circumstances when the RAP has been unable to provide assistance:
In order to more effectively assist active duty Rangers, in 2016 USARA became a benevolent partner of the U.S. Special Operations Command’s Warrior Care Program (Care Coalition).
The Ranger Assistance Program derives its monies from contributions of members, interested parties, and corporations that support the Ranger community. We welcome donations via credit card or PayPal; both methods use the same donation image link below. If you would like to make a donation by check, please mail your donation check directly to USARA at the address shown below. Please specify “Ranger Assistance Program” in the memo field on your check, or if donating online, in the “Donations Instructions” when using the donation button below. USARA is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.